Minimize Toxins

Minimize Toxins

MaxLiving supports the body’s natural ability to cleanse itself, resulting in long-lasting positive effects.

Minimizing Toxin Exposure

Minimizing exposure and clearing the toxins from your body resets your body’s natural balance and allows it to function at its fullest potential. This starts with guidance on the lifestyle choices needed to reduce the toxins entering your system. We’ll also provide you with the dietary guidelines, supplements, and care needed to boost your body’s own inherent cleansing powers, allowing you to detox and thrive.

Support the Body’s Natural Ability to Detoxify

Detoxification is both the body’s first and last line of defense against dangerous toxins that we come into contact with daily. The 5 Essentials drive detoxification by helping the body remove toxins that are already present in the body, while also promoting new lifestyle habits that can reduce exposure in the future. While we can’t completely control our environment, being aware of what we encounter and modifying how and what we consume can greatly reduce exposure. MaxLiving believes that optimal health depends on resetting your body back to its natural balance – helping it detoxify itself is vitally important.

Our three-step plan drives detoxification in two important ways, working at the cellular and organ level. While many detox plans focus on organs like the colon, many of the most harmful toxins accumulate at the cellular level and must be effectively cleared to avoid long-term damage.

  • Minimize exposure
  • Detoxify your cells and organs
  • Remove toxins and prevent retoxification

How to Reduce Your Toxic Exposure

Harmful chemicals surround us every day in our lives — they’re included in products like household cleaners, refined foods, personal care products, and the items we cook with. Each of these toxins affect our bodies in a different way. Ultimately, they combine to inhibit us from functioning at optimal levels, threaten our daily health, and can even reduce life longevity.


MaxLiving and the 5 Essentials™ can help give your body what it needs to remove toxins on a cellular level and better defend itself. Our approach helps you reduce exposure, gives your body what it needs to detox, and then arms your systems to avoid retoxification going forward. We want to help you think more about what you choose to consume and use.

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How to Reduce Your Toxic Exposure


Ingesting plastics can damage hormone receptors, hurt sex drive, cause fatigue, and lead to illness and diseases. Many also contain bisphenol A (BPA), which has become illegal in some countries. Phthalate and styrene chemicals leach more aggressively into foods and liquids when heated. We can reduce our exposure to these chemicals in a few ways:

  • Avoid PVC and Styrene products
  • Choose glass containers to store food
  • Avoid polycarbonate drinking bottles with Bisphenol A
  • Don’t heat food in plastic containers
  • Avoid drinking hot beverages from styrofoam cups
  • Don’t provide children with plastic teethers
  • When possible, opt for natural fiber clothing, bedding, and furniture

Environmental Toxins

Environmental endocrine disruptors (EEDs) are toxins that imitate hormones. By blocking or altering hormone functions, they may contribute to an increase in hormone-related cancers, such as those of the breasts, testicles, and the prostate. Endocrine disruptors can be found everywhere in chemicals like phthalates, dioxins, polystyrene and trichloroethylene. Endocrine disruptors are found in supplies many of us use frequently, including household cleaning supplies, garage maintenance supplies, and pesticides. There are a few ways we can reduce our exposure to EEDs:

  • Wash your hands frequently, avoiding antibacterial soap
  • Dust and vacuum your home often
  • Avoid artificially fragranced products
  • Choose fresh foods over canned foods
  • Opt for organic food products when possible
  • Filter your tap water
  • Buy or make natural cleaning products

Food Additives

A food additive is any substance that is added to food in order to preserve it, maintain its quality, or make it more appealing. About 80% of packaged foods sold in the United States contain chemicals that are outlawed in other countries. To limit your consumption of food additives:

  • Avoid foods that contain artificial sugars, flavors, and colors
  • Choose food items without fake fats
  • Opt for foods with no added preservatives
  • Cook at home when possible with fresh ingredients
  • Pay attention to food labels and ingredients
  • Purchase fresh foods instead of frozen or ready-to-eat items
  • When possible, choose organic foods

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